The New England Patriots Are 4x Super Bowl Champions

Tom Brady, New England Patriots, NFL, Super Bowl

Before you read the 2,300+ words I wrote about the Patriots, I highly recommend you watch this fan reaction video so you can relive the highs and lows of Super Bowl XLIX.

I won’t lie, I put off this post longer than I should have. When I started this blog I told myself that I wouldn’t allow a single sports moment to overwhelm me into blogging-paralysis. I was positive that I would always be able to write some thoughts on here no matter what game I was watching or team I was rooting for. Well, I definitely underestimated just how much watching the New England Patriots win their fourth Super Bowl would mean to me.

I always knew this would be amazing, but holy hell. The way I felt watching the final seconds tick off the clock, with Edelman running around telling everyone he loves them and Brady throwing his hands up in celebration, was as close as I’ll ever get to the intense feeling of joy that ran through me when the Red Sox won the 2004 World Series. I don’t think I’ll ever really feel that ’04 way again (because that was 86 years of Red Sox angst melting away), but watching this team – a team never gave up on – prove all the doubters wrong and win the first title in a decade was something I’ll never forget. And that intense feeling was overwhelming and I had no idea how to put it into blog format. Overall the feeling was something like this:

If you really want to get into my head watching the end of this game, just take a look at my Twitter timeline. This is a very high level version of the Super Bowl retro diary Bill Simmons put together on Grantland, which I highly recommend you take a look at.

The Pats go down 14 to open up the second half. At first I throw in the towel, but after texting with my uncle I rally all the positive vibes I can muster:

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